Self-confidence is composed of many factors: education and development, the ability to communicate and behave in society, appearance, good manners, erudition, a sense of humor and tact, and much more. But one of the most important factors is a beautiful smile.
What is a smile?
A smile is a powerful tool that can influence communication between people. Often smiling and catching back smiles allows for a tremendous amount of energy that comes from the heart and manifests outwardly as a facial expression that radiates inner light and warmth. A smile can show relationships, feelings, thoughts.
A beautiful and healthy smile is the secret of self-confidence. Whether it’s a business negotiation, a meeting with friends, a holiday or a date, every time you need to communicate with people and always want to be a confident person. The condition of our teeth greatly affects our mood and communication. If you constantly think about your bad teeth, no communication at all. From this comes the complexes about the appearance, loss of self-confidence and all the plans become not plans, but dreams.
Ideal from nature smile can boast of a few. Nowadays it is not uncommon to meet a person who has a crooked, displaced, missing teeth, yellow teeth, or an incorrect bite. All of these defects affect both appearance and self-esteem. A person who realizes that his teeth are not straight and white enough, will a priori be more stiff in communication compared to the owner of a Hollywood smile.
A beautiful smile can not only boost your self-esteem, but also make those around you a little happier. Looking at an attractive smile of the interlocutor or even a stranger, immediately the mood rises and inspiration appears.
Each person has his own standards of beauty, and an ideal smile for everyone may look differently. However, a beautiful smile is composed of the following main factors:
- Proper hygiene;
- The whiteness of the teeth;
- Symmetry of the teeth;
- absence of tooth decay;
- The correct height to width ratio of the front teeth; no strong exposure of the gums above the upper teeth when smiling.
A beautiful and sincere smile intrigues, touches, delights, charms, inspires and leaves no one indifferent.
Today in the field of dentistry, there are many ways to restore teeth and get the smile of your dreams. A beautiful smile affects the quality of modern man’s life and his success. A healthy and perfect smile is one of the keys to any person’s success.