What is a beautiful smile

What is a beautiful smile

A smile is a great power. A smile is undoubtedly the most winning way to look great! A white broad smile and an open look are probably the most reliable signs of happiness, youth and beauty!

A smile is a measurable value. Americans believe that a wide and open smile is worth a million dollars. 74% of respondents would not want to do business with sad people, 58% believe that sad people are hiding something, 69% would not want to be friends with them and 56% would not work with them.

1 Smiling improves mood

2 A smile is contagious

And that’s not just words, smiling really is contagious, so say scientists. In a study done on the subject in Sweden, people had great difficulty frowning when they looked at other smiling people, their muscles themselves seeking to express a smile on their face.

3 Smiling improves brain function

Recent research by French physiologists has discovered that the muscle tension near the eyes and mouth associated with smiling increases brain tone by increasing blood flow to the brain. The more a person smiles, the more his brain is active, the better nourished. And this is the best prevention of cerebral circulatory disorders, vascular sclerosis, strokes, etc.

4 Smiling reduces stress

5 A smile is more attractive than any makeup

6 Only humans know how to smile

7 Smiling is easier than frowning
Scientists have found that your body has to work harder and use more muscles to frown than it does to smile.

8 A smile is the most recognizable facial expression

9 A smile is the universal sign of happiness!

Although handshakes, hugs, and bows have different meanings in different cultures, a smile is known throughout the world and in all cultures as a sign of happiness and approval.

10 Smiling can help you get promoted
Smiling makes a person more attractive, outgoing and confident, and people who smile more are more likely to get promoted. “Cheerful people are more expressive than sad people, and because of this they lift the spirits of their clients, which translates into successful deals as a result,” says American psychologist Daniel Goldman.

11 The study found that when men assessed the attractiveness of women in photographs, they were much more likely to prefer women who were smiling, while sad ladies seemed less likeable for the most part. And what about men? Men seem more attractive to their female companions when they can make them smile.

A white smile is one of the indicators of health, youthfulness, beauty and youthfulness. The owners of white, healthy smiles have all chances for success not only in personal life, but also in social and business life.

Smiles and laughter prolong life, help to promote ideas, win hearts and expand the circle of friends!

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